I'm Sindusara Munasinghe, a Computer Engineer studying at Queen's.
I have been creating projects throughout my development journey because of my passion for creation.
Let me give you the highlights.
Web Game | HTML, CSS, Javascript
A game I created in 24 hours in a team of four friends for the YRHACKS hackathon. Developed the main game functions and code. 'Befriend!!!' won third place overall.
Windows-Based Games | C#, Monogame, Godot, Unity, Javascript, HTML, CSS, GDScript
I've been solo developing video games in my free time as a passion project for over two years now. The games I've made span over many different languages, frameworks, and engines, however I am currently working on C# games using the Monogame framework.
Web Game | APIs, HTML, CSS, Javascript
A web game incorporating LAST.FM's database and API to fetch user data and turn it into an interactable game.